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CAD/CAM principles and applications.
ประเภททรัพยากร : หนังสือเล่ม
ชั้นเก็บ : ตู้10 ชั้น 5 ฝั่งขวา
หมวด : 600
เลขหมู่หนังสือ : 670.285
สำนักพิมพ์ : McGram-Hill.
ผู้แต่ง : Rao, P.N.
ยอดคงเหลือ : 1

เนื้อหาย่อ : practitioners may prefer this dual presentation. For all practical pur- poses, the texts are similar except for the SI presentations. The previous six editions of this book have proved its value as a text for both university and college courses and as a key reference work for the practicing engineer and technologist. As a text it should be useful for a lecture or laboratory course. The complete index on materials, processes, and equipment provides an ideal reference for the designer. the inspector, the production and scheduling engineer, and the student. The study of manufacturing process esses may be a basis for future tech- nical studies. This book gives a perception on which to build complex technical knowledge. For many, a a study of manufacturing processes is for a different purpose; it is the liberal learning they seek far afeld from their humanities, business, or other can areer choices. This integrating and liberal learning for nontechnical students provides focus and sharpens personal values in a technical and social world. With the development of new materials, mechanization, and automa- tion, the processes of manufacturing are becoming increasingly com- plex. It is important that engincers be trained to understand the many ways in which engineering materials can be pro ocessed and the effect of processes on material properties. To design or manufacture competi- vely, the engineer must appreciate process advantages and limitations, as well as predict tolerances. Engineers and scientists associated with re- search and development laboratories are linding an increasing need to understand the complex methods of manufacturing and assembly. To offer a comprehensive survey of the fundamentals of manufactur- ing processes, chapters have been included to give essential knowledge of material structures and how physical properties may be changed. Original line diagrams and phtotographs have been generously used for clear visualization of proces sses, and the tables have been chosen care- fully for greatest usefulness. The seventh edition indludes twice the number of questions and problems at the end of each chapter. Addition- ally, open-ended case studies encourage the interpretive and analytical part of manufacturing process understanding. New material has been added to the chapters where developments have been significant and appear long lasting. An historical photograph is included at the beginning of each chapter to point out the history and evolution of processes in manufacturing. An increased interest in the historical culture of manufacturing is evident in students. The opportunities available to those who study the art, crafi, and science of manufacturing processes are many. Whether education is in a trade school, technical school, junior or community college, or univer- sity, the careers are almost limitless-machine operator, supervisor manufacture or assembly, processor of engineering data, design eng- neer, manufacturing engineer, researcher, salesman, purchaser, admis-