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Engineering Vibration.
ประเภททรัพยากร : หนังสือเล่ม
ชั้นเก็บ : ตู้ 9 ชั้น 6 ฝั่งขวา
หมวด : 600
เลขหมู่หนังสือ : 620.3
สำนักพิมพ์ : Pearson.
ผู้แต่ง : Inman, Daniel J.
ยอดคงเหลือ : 3

เนื้อหาย่อ : This book is intended for use in a first course in vibrations or structural dynamics for undergraduates in mechanical, civil, and aerospace engineering or engineering mechanics. The text contains the topics normally found in such courses in accredited engineering departments as set out initially by Den Hartog and refined by Thompson. In addition, topics on design, measurement, and computation are addressed. Pedagogy A major difference between the pedagogy of this text and competing texts is the use of high level computing codes. While the book is written so that the codes do not have to be used, I strongly encourage their use. These codes (Mathcad@, MATLAB@ and Mathematica@ are very easy to use, at the level of a programmable calculator and hence do not require any prerequisite courses or training. Of course, it is easier if the students have used one or the other of the codes before, but not necessary. In fact the MATLAB@ codes can be copied directly and will run as listed. I view using codes our undergraduate teaching as a responsibility. Over 10 years ago, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers' Board on Education "recommended that under- graduates be exposed to mathematics software early in the mechanical engineering program Those who hire or work with recent college graduates should expect them to arrive with a working knowledge of computer mathematics." The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics also endorsed this point of view in June of 1994. In particular, as educators we have the responsibility to teach our students how to use these codes responsibly. In addition, the use of these codes greatly enhances the students understanding of the fundamentals of vibration. Just as a picture is worth a thousand words, a numerical simulation or plot can enable a completely dynamic understanding of vibration phenomena. Computer calculations and simulations are presented at the end of each of the first 4 chapters. Another unique feature of this text is the use of "windows", which are distrib- uted throughout the book and provide reminders to the reader of essential informa- tion pertinent to the text material at hand. The windows are placed in the text at points where such prior information is required. The windows are also used to sum- marize essential information.