ประเภททรัพยากร : หนังสือเล่ม
ชั้นเก็บ : ตู้10 ชั้น 1 ฝั่งขวา
หมวด : 600
เลขหมู่หนังสือ : 621.82
สำนักพิมพ์ : McGraw-Hill.
ผู้แต่ง : Parmley, Robert O.
ยอดคงเหลือ : 1
เนื้อหาย่อ : Preservation of information, especially technical data, is essential for continued
progress of any discipline of technology. Without the knowledge of basic elements,
esgineers, designers, craftsmen, and technicians are handicapped. In some cases, they
would literally have to "reinvent the wheel"; thus wasting valuable time, resources and
rgy that could and should be spent on developing new designs.
We are told by respected archacological experts that the pyramids of ancient Egypt and
prehistoric South America were built without the use of pulleys and gears; both indis-
pensable mechanical components since early Greek and Roman times. However, these
magnificent structures were constructed, but apparently no recorded information exists
dscribing their construction methods or erection tools they employed. Perhaps some
eknown component, device, or mechanism was used by those ancient builders that
semains unknown even to this day.
Basic or standard designs are invaluable and often stimulate the creative process, which
can lead to new components and mechanisms. But if they are not properly recorded and
mzilable for future review, those ideas can easily become lost. Fortunately, modern engi-
srering literature has faithfully published handbooks, manuals and codes describing most
sandard designs. However, innovative devices and unusual component applications often
sscape a permanent place in technical literature. A classic example of this is the two-page
astrated design files featured in Product Engineering magazine. This bi-weekly publica-
son, over the decades, contained thousands of innovative mechanical designs and appli-
cations. Unfortunately, this magazine ceased publication in the early 1970s, but some of
de original articles were reprinted in Greenwood's books in the late 1950s and 1960s.
Chironis' Mechanisms & Mechanical Devices Sourcebook and the recently published
book entitled, Illustrated Sourcebook of Mechanical Components, the latter of which I
bad the honor to serve as Editor-in-Chief, also contained many selections from Product
Engineering. Other technical magazines periodically include novel mechanical designs, as
do various technical reports from professional societies. Too many of these articles and
heir innovative designs fade into obscurity.
With the foregoing discussion in mind, it was proposed to produce a practical source-
book of selected innovative material that machine designers could use as a reference.
Therefore, this sourcebook is a modified and condensed version of the massive Ilustrated
Sourcebook of Mechanical Components with the emphasis on machine devices and
smusual applications of components. Significant data was culled from that book and
earranged to fit into a new format. Additional material was obtained from other sources
and blended into the manuscript to round out the presentation.