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ประเภททรัพยากร : หนังสือเล่ม
ชั้นเก็บ : ตู้10 ชั้น 6 ฝั่งขวา
หมวด : 600
เลขหมู่หนังสือ : 658.401
สำนักพิมพ์ : John wiley sons.
ผู้แต่ง : Tompkins, James A.
ยอดคงเหลือ : 1

เนื้อหาย่อ : Bow PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION The rapid advance of welding since the first edition of METALS AND To WELD THEM has produced new knowledge and understanding af welding techniques and proce edures as they relate to spe ecific metals. Tbese developments dictated a complete review of the entire text to determine the need for and requirements of a second edition. The first edition of METALS AND How To WELD THeM sold 30,000 ergies. Its unqualified acceptance readily justifed the decision to print a completely revised second edition and make the changes and im- grovements nec cessary to maintain the text's reputation of being one a the foremost in its field. Many sections have been completely rewritten. Editorial clarifica- sees in language and sentence structure have been made on every page bry's trend toward welding mechanizat Where appropriate, the text has been modified to reflect indus- tion. Almost all illustrations and data have been replaced or imp ntirely new r on the exotic metals has been added. The book has been completely reset in a bew, easier-to-read type face, and the headings have been restyled ad rearranged to aid the reader by supplying an outline of subject matter coverag ge to quickly acquaint him with the chapter and serve e a guide for future reference. All of these changes have been made a the interest of easier reading and better understanding. This major revision has not altered the book's basic purpose. Its abjective remains unchanged: namely, to equip the average reader with a practical knowledge of the structure and properties of metals aod how these n metals adapt to w welding. It is intended as a areference book for students, weldors, plant managers and engineers. To accom- plish this, technical explanations and descriptions have been simplified bar easier understanding. The officers and trustees of The James F. Lincoln Are Welding Foundation are grateful to Mr. T. B. Jefferson 1 for his s suggestions, editorial review and willingne gness to make available, for illustrations, de photo fle of THe WELDING ENGINEER. Special acknowledgement is aiso made to the skill with which Mr. Watson Nordquist executed the major portion of the reorganization, restyling and writing of this second edition.