Inventors Behind the Inventor.
ประเภททรัพยากร : หนังสือเล่ม
ชั้นเก็บ : ตู้10 ชั้น 4 ฝั่งซ้าย
หมวด : 900
เลขหมู่หนังสือ : 926.2
สำนักพิมพ์ : Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc.,
ผู้แต่ง : Burlingame, Roger.
ยอดคงเหลือ : 1
เนื้อหาย่อ : ACKNOWLEDGMENTS s maey persons and several institutions for assistance ds boot. Among those who have given me signal help G. Roos, former president of the American Society e Eagineens; Doctor W. A. Hamor and Doctor R. R. f de Mion Institute; Mr. Glen W. Cole and Doctor Glass Works; Mr. Robert Clause and burgh Plate Glass Company. Most of these offered gracious co-operation through the ntion and industry. It was Mr. Edwin Repeating Arms Company who first put me f; to him I owe one of my greatest debts. of the Smithsonian Institution honored me book by undertaking a careful check of my sechnical detail. Mr. Fred New man of Popular led me into fascinating new fields of exploration. , the Bell Telephone Laboratories and the gave me data which I have used in this invited my visits to their plants. The ues of the Army Air Forces, with whom I traveled dowsand miles during the war, made it possible for es of milita tary operations in a way which is as in all my work. For much cun material I am indebted to the magnificent li- of Modern Art in New York as well as to Sdbulberg, Ned Griffths and Val Lewton who me in this