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Engineering Mechanics Statics.
ประเภททรัพยากร : หนังสือเล่ม
ชั้นเก็บ : ตู้ 9 ชั้น 6 ฝั่งขวา
หมวด : 600
เลขหมู่หนังสือ : 620.1053
สำนักพิมพ์ : Prentice Hall
ผู้แต่ง : Hibbeler, R.C.
ยอดคงเหลือ : 1

เนื้อหาย่อ : Preface The main purpose of this book is to provide the student with a clear and thorough presentation of the theory and applications of engineering rechanics. To achieve this objective, the author has by no means worked alone; to a large extent, this book, through its nine editions, has been shaped by the comments and suggestions of hundreds of reviewers in the teaching profession as well as many of the author's students. Features Significant improvements have been made to this the ninth edition. The following is a list of some of the more important ones: ㆍ Photographs. Many photographs are used throughout the book to explain how the principles of mechanics apply to real-world situations. In some sections, photographs have been used to show how engineers must first make an idealized model for analysis and then proceed to draw a free-body diagram of this model in order to apply the theory. ㆍ Artwork. Throughout the book, the artwork has been further enhanced in a multi-color presentation in order to provide the reader with a more realistic and understandable sense of the material. Particular attention has been placed on providing a view of any physical object, its dimensions, and the vectors applied to it in a manner that can be easily understood. Improved Pedagogy. The "procedure for analysis" sections, along with a new feature, "important points," are presented using a bulleted list format in order to aid in problem solving and review. Also, clarity throughout the text has been improved, new examples have been provided, and many new problems have been added, including some that provide practice in drawing free-body diagrams. Problems. The problem sets have been revised so that instructors can select both design and analysis problems having a wide range of difficulty. Apart from the author, three other professionals have checked all the problems for clarity and accuracy of the solutions. At the end of some chapters, design projects have now been included. Review Material. A new Appendix C has been added that provides practice for solving problems for the Fundamentals in Engineering Examination. Partial solutions and the answers are given to all these problems, providing students with further applications of the theory.