The Measurement and Correction of Electrolyte Resistance in Electrochemical Tests.
ประเภททรัพยากร : หนังสือเล่ม
ชั้นเก็บ : ตู้ 9 ชั้น 5 ฝั่งขวา
หมวด : 500
เลขหมู่หนังสือ : 541.372
สำนักพิมพ์ : ASTM.
ผู้แต่ง : L.L.Scribner.
ยอดคงเหลือ : 2
เนื้อหาย่อ : The measurement of any electrode potential includes an error caused by a voltage drop
through the electrolyte. This error is caused by the inherent resistance (IR) of the solution
and is proportional to the cell current. It has therefore been referred to as IR drop, ohmic
overpotential, IR voltage error, or potential error caused by solution resistance. As the
current or solution resistivity increase, or both, the error in electrode potential measure-
ments can become quite large, thus distorting current-potential data and preventing accu-
rate interpretation. Due to the ubiquitous nature of ohmic electrolyte resistance through-
out the electrochemical sciences, an understanding of the phenomenon, methods to
measure it, and means to correct for its presence are required to obtain precise data.
The purpose of this book is to present, review, and critique new and existing methods
for the correction of ohmic electrolyte resistance. Although the 13 papers have been seg-
regated into the areas of Theory, Critical Comparisons, Mathematical Approaches, and
Applications, many of the papers are more broadly based, covering more than one of the
above areas.
The reader is introduced to the theoretical considerations of ohmic electrolyte resistance
measurements by Hack, Scully, and Moran in their review of the impact and methods for
correcting IR in electrochemical measurements. This is complemented by Ehrhardt's
paper, which includes consideration of cell geometry, current distribution, and the type of
experiment on the IR voltage drop.
The next section critically compares several of the commonly available methods for cor-
recting the error associated with IR voltage drop. Nisancioglu compares the current inter-
ruption, potential pulse, and electrochemical impedance techniques, and discusses error
correction using electrode design, measurement technique, and data analysis. Mansfeld,
Chen, and Shih compare correction methods present in commercially available systems
and discuss the practical advantages and limitations of the respective techniques and
equipment. Ehrhardt also reviews existing correction methods, but compares them exper-
imentally to a new system introduced by the author, which is capable of combining differ-
ent methods.
Esteban, Lowry, and Orazem introduce a numerical method to adjust current-potential
data for the electrolyte resistance. This has provided better agreement between experimen-
tal data and mathematical models for the rotating disc electrode. Farozic and Prentice util-
ize numerical simulation of the potential distribution in more complex systems (for exam-
ple, multiple electrode, irregular electrode shape) to provide insight into data interpretation
and optimization of electrode arrangement.
The last section examines engineering applications of IR voltage drop measurement and
correction. Thompson discusses the issues related to potential measurements of buried
pipelines under cathodic protection. Abraham, Jones, Whitbeck, and Case use a modified
Wheatstone bridge to assess ohmic interference associated with corrosion measurements
of nuclear waste containers in desert soil. Another important area in which high-resistivity
media complicate electrode potential measurements is that of rebar corrosion in concrete.
The paper by Escalante describes the use of current interruption as a means to eliminate